2nd Place Winning Entry, 2024 Pastels Competition
Bithia Bjurman, OFFE, pastel

Bithia Bjurman

Bithia Bjurman, based in the Pacific Northwest, was an engineer in the Silicon Valley tech industry for many years. It wasn’t until 2022 that she became a serious artist, and in that short time has garnered dozens of awards, shown her work in more than 60 exhibitions and shows, and been featured in numerous publications and articles.

She is a member of the Pastel Society of the West Coast and Northwest Pastel Society, the International Association of Pastel Societies Master Circle, and a Signature Member in Pastel Society of America. Recently, we asked Bjurman about her work.

Bithia Bjurman, Moonlit Glow, pastel

Tell us about the inspiration and artistic elements involved in your work "OFFE."

The inspiration for OFFE came from a photo I took in a coffee shop in Seattle during COVID. For me, it felt like a time capsule. I was intrigued by the viewpoint of looking out from a dimly lit interior into the bright, bustling cityscape beyond. The stark value contrast added visual drama and a sense of depth. Placing  the figures primarily in shadow encouraged the viewer to lean in and engage more closely.

Bithia Bjurman, Skipping Stones, pastel

Why are pastels your chosen medium?

There’s so much to love about soft pastels. They’re incredibly immediate — you can pick them up, work for ten minutes, and set them down without worrying about drying time; they have a sensual and nuanced layering process due to the pure pigment in each stick; and you can play with light and texture which make it endlessly fascinating. Pastels are a demanding medium, there’s rarely "low-hanging fruit," and that keeps me challenged, engaged, and always learning.

Bithia Bjurman, Shantung Street, pastel

Many of your recent paintings focus on urban imagery. Why is this?

I tend to paint whatever resonates with me in the moment. I’m very much a reactionary painter; I see something that captures my attention and feel compelled to paint it. Often, this is sparked by photographing scenes from my daily life.

Recently, I’ve been drawn to observing people in candid situations, often within urban environments. I find beauty in places that might not be traditionally picturesque yet hold a quiet charm or a story waiting to be told. This offers an endless source of inspiration and allows me to capture the essence of real, everyday moments.

All artwork © Bithia Bjurman, shared with permission.